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Register to the new PUMPS+AI Summer School! Register Now
The website for the 2024 edition will be online soon, stay tuned
Last News: PUMPS+AI has become an ACM Europe Seasonal School!
As such, selected students will receive a complementary 1-year membership to the society.
PUMPS+AI ACM Summer School, 2023, June 26-30th
The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) currently offers a number of courses covering CUDA architecture and programming languages for parallel computing. Please contact us for possible collaborations.
The 13th edition of the Programming and Tuning Massively Parallel Systems + Artificial Intelligence summer school (PUMPS+AI) is aimed at enriching the skills of researchers, graduate students and instructors with cutting-edge technique and hands-on experience in developing applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators, with a special focus on artificial intelligence.
Summer School Co-Directors: Mateo Valero (BSC and UPC) and Wen-mei Hwu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign / NVIDIA)
Local Organizers: Antonio J. Peña (Chair, BSC), Marc Jordà (BSC)
Applications due:
30th AprilNew applications will be added to Waiting List-
Due to space limitations, early application is strongly recommended. You may also be suggested to attend an online prerequisite training on basic CUDA programming before joining PUMPS.
Notification of acceptance: 12th May and 15th May
Location: UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona (Spain)
Organized by:
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (University of Illinois)
HiPEAC Network of Excellence (HiPEAC)
The following is a list of some of the topics that will be covered during the course:
Deep Learning / AI engine internals
High-level programming models
CUDA Algorithmic Optimization Strategies
Dealing with Sparse and Dynamic data
Efficiency in Large Data Traversal
Reducing Output Interference
Controlling Load Imbalance and Divergence
Acceleration of Collective Operations
Dynamic Parallelism and HyperQ
Debugging and Profiling CUDA Code
Multi-GPU Execution
Architecture Trends and Implications
Introduction to OmpSs and to the Paraver analysis tool
OmpSs: Leveraging GPU/CUDA Programming
Hands-on Labs: CUDA Optimizations on Scientific Codes; OmpSs Programming and Tuning
Featured Lecturers: Wen-mei Hwu (NVIDIA)
Invited Lecturers: Juan Gómez-Luna (ETH Zurich)
BSC / UPC Lecturers: Antonio J. Peña, Marc Jorda, Leonidas Kosmidis, Xavier Martorell and Xavier Teruel
- Prerequisites for the course are:
Basic CUDA knowledge is required to attend the course. Applicants that cannot certify their experience in CUDA programming will be asked to take a short on-line course covering the necessary introductory topics
C, C++, Java, or equivalent programming knowledge. Skills in parallel programming will be helpful
Preliminary Overview
Registration for the course is free for attendees from academia and public institutions. Please note that travel, lodging, and meals are not covered. Applicants from non-academic institutions (companies), please contact us by email at pumps at bsc.es for sponsorship possibilities.
By the end of the summer school, participants will:
Be able to design algorithms (including deep learning / AI) that are suitable for accelerators.
Understand the most important architectural performance considerations for developing parallel applications.
Be exposed to computational thinking skills for accelerating applications in science and engineering.
Engage computing accelerators on science and engineering breakthroughs.
Programming Languages: CUDA, MPI, OmpSs, OpenACC
Hands-on Labs: Afternoon labs with teaching assistants for each audience/level.
Participants are expected to bring their own laptops to access the servers with GPU accelerators.
The afternoon lab sessions will provide hands-on experience with various languages and tools covered in the lectures and will comprise a brief introduction to the programming assignments, followed by independent work periods. Teaching assistants will be available in person and on the web to help with assignments.